Greetings, we’re glad you found us! We hope our website answers your questions about who we are, what we offer, as well as where to go for further information or assistance. Let us know if we can be of service to you. We hope to see you in person, if you’re in our area.
710 8th St SE
Orange City, IA 51041
Phone: (712) 737-2112
Worship Times:
Sunday – 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School – following the Worship Service (Sept-May)
Our name says it all. We are a community of faith in the Lutheran
tradition–believers in the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ,
God’s Son, who lived a perfect life in our place and died on the cross
to pay for and forgive all our sins. Jesus rose from the dead and
returned to heaven, where He rules over all things. We believe, in
accordance with God’s Word–The Bible, that we have the promise of
eternal life with Him in heaven as a free gift, by grace alone through
faith alone.
If you would like to learn more about the Christian
faith, we would be happy to visit with you. You may contact us or pay
us a visit.
Copyright ©2025 Faith Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved.