About Us


Faith Lutheran is a member of the  Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and the Iowa West District of the LCMS.


Faith Lutheran offers 9:00 am Sunday morning worship. Additional midweek services and suppers are held during Advent and Lent. Holy Communion is offered during the service on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays.
Sunday worship services are carried livestream on our Facebook site: Orange City Faith Lutheran Church


We believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God. The Bible tells of God’s historical acts in creating all things; in redeeming fallen mankind through the atoning work of God’s Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ; and the sanctifying work of God’s Spirit in bringing us to a saving faith in Jesus, and keeping us in the faith as we live out our lives of witness in word and deed. Our faith is also reflected in the three ecumenical historical creeds of the Church—Apostle’s, Nicene and Athanasian, along with the historical confessions of the Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord. For more specific information on what we believe, teach and confess, we invite you to check out our denomination’s website: www.lcms.org/ and click on the “about” tab on the top, followed by the “Beliefs” arrow in the drop down menu.


Faith Lutheran Church began in January 1970 as a result of area Lutherans of various backgrounds who wanted to establish a Lutheran congregation in Orange City—a predominantly Dutch Reformed community. The Iowa West District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) supported this mission effort. The church began with just 39 members.

The first church building was dedicated in April 1972—the congregation had been worshipping in a classroom/chapel at Northwestern College in Orange City prior to this. Over the years, the congregation grew as the community grew—presently @ 300 communicant members with about 115 worshipping weekly.

Two major building additions took place in 1978 and 2018.

Faith Lutheran continues to be a young, vibrant congregation made up of members of all ages and walks of life that actively engages with and within the community, taking part in various social ministries putting our faith into action.


“Having lived in Minnesota my whole life I never thought I’d be an Iowan until the Lord called me
to pastor the flock at Faith Lutheran Church in Orange City in May 2023. By God’s grace I am a husband, father, and pastor. The Good News of Jesus Christ and Him crucified and risen from the dead is what drives all of my callings. C.S. Lewis once said, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything.” Our world is constantly changing, but Christ Jesus is the same, yesterday, and forever. And as He is risen from the dead and lives and reigns to all eternity, I take heart because “the word of our God will stand forever.” (Isaiah 40:8) I am excited to partner with the saints of Faith Lutheran in the ministry of the Gospel.


Outside of pastoring I am devoted to my wife Hannah and my three children Steven, Abigail, and Helen. We enjoy going on hikes, fishing, and gardening. I also enjoy reading and discussing good books, whether they be theological in nature or other genres.”


Paula Koller serves as the office secretary/bookkeeper.

Andrew Reginald serves part-time as our Youth Director, working with both the YouthLead and JLYF groups.

Patty Bracker and Ruth Katt serve as our main organists/pianists for worship, along with Barb Greiner and Nicole Lewis.

Dave and Ronda Aalbers serve as our church custodians for indoor maintenance.

Cooper Katt cares for our outside property.


(helpful links to partner ministries)

www.campokoboji.org Camp Okoboji is owned and operated by the congregations of the Iowa District West of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The camp offers programs for all ages throughout the year, as well as cabins available for rental for family events and vacations.

www.cph.org Concordia Publishing House provides a wealth of resources for churches and individuals to help nurture and share the Christian faith.

www.idwlcms.org The main website for the Iowa West district, of which our congregations are members.

www.lcms.org The main website for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

www.lhm.org Lutheran Hour Ministry provides a variety of print, audio and digital resources and programming that shares the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ with believers and seekers.

www.lutheranfamilyservice.org Lutheran Family Services of Iowa offers counseling, adoption and pregnancy support services. LFS is a ministry of The LCMS congregations of Iowa West and East Districts, and has offices throughout Iowa, as well as online/video service options.

www.lutheransforlife.org Providing pro-life resources that uphold God’s gift of life.

www.mainstreetliving.com/siouxcity  Faith supports and promotes the weekly television ministry, Main Street Living, featuring classic episodes of the Lutheran Hour program, This is the Life, along with a half-hour worship service, led by area LCMS pastors. Main Street Living can be seen on Sunday mornings at 10am on KCAU TV channel 9 out of Sioux City, as well as via the website.

Love must be sincere.
Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
Romans 12:9